There is no denying that breastfeeding can be challenging, especially in the early days when you’re trying to get your groove as a new mom and your baby as a new eater. No matter how much you prepare for it, or how much research you do, every mother will experience some sort of breastfeeding problem at some point. It is completely normal for mothers to feel frustrated and even embarrassed when things don’t go according to plan. However, you need not worry about this; with persistence and practice, almost all these issues are resolvable with time. Here are some common breastfeeding problems and how to solve them:
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Your Baby Is Not Latching Well
One of the most common breastfeeding problems is poor latch. This basically means that your baby is not sucking at the breast properly and is basically not getting any milk. The occasional slip-up is normal. What you need to look out for is a consistent pattern of a poor latch. If your baby is not latching properly, he will not be able to extract enough milk from your breasts and will remain hungry, which can lead to a wide range of problems, from low weight gain to jaundice.
What You Can Do to Solve It: If your baby is not latching well, there are a few things you can do to get things back on track. First, you will need to get some expert advice. Your giniloh breastfeeding specialist will examine hertube your baby and you and suggest ways to improve the latch. She may instruct you to use a nipple shield, supplement with formula, or switch to bottle feeding completely if your baby cannot latch.
Your Baby Is Suffering from Constipation
If you are breastfeeding, you might notice that your baby is very gassy, fussy, and perhaps even crying inconsolably. This is a sign that your baby is suffering from constipation. Breast milk is a rich source of easily digestible nutrients and is an excellent choice for babies suffering from constipation. However, if your baby is suffering from this condition, you would need to anxnr change his diet. You can also use a gentle laxative like prune juice.
What You Can Do to Solve It: You will need to change your baby’s diet to get rid of constipation. This means switching from breast milk to formula.
Your Baby Has Diarrhea
If your baby has been suffering from constipation and all of a sudden, he starts having diarrhea, then it is an indication that he has a dirty diaper. This change in bowel movement can be attributed to the change in diet from breast milk to formula. Diarrhea can be a very common problem in babies who are breastfed, particularly in the first six months of life. It can also be a problem for babies who are given liquid formula.
What You Can Do to Solve It: If your baby has diarrhea, you need to be extra careful about hygiene. You should wash your hands thoroughly, sterilize all the items that your baby comes into contact with, and change your baby’s diaper regularly.
You Have Pain and Cramping in Your Breasts
Sudden, sharp pain in one or both of your breasts can be an indication of a blocked duct. A blocked duct is when a milk duct gets clogged, causing a buildup of milk in the breast which, in turn, causes pain and discomfort. Cramping in your breasts can also be an indication of an infection, such as mastitis. If you have an infection, you might also find that your breasts feel warm and tender.
What You Can Do to Solve It: If you are experiencing pain and cramping in your breasts, you should seek help immediately. Here’s what you can do to get rid of the pain temporarily:
- Switch positions. If you’re breastfeeding, make sure you switch positions regularly.
- Reduce stress. Stress has been scientifically proven to cause mastitis and blocked ducts.
- Use warm compresses. Take a warm shower and apply compresses to your breasts regularly.
- Treat any infections. If you suspect that you have an infection, make sure you get help as soon as possible.
- Drink plenty of water. Water is good for you in so many ways.
- Get help from a lactation consultant. If you are breastfeeding, you can seek assistance from a lactation consultant.
The Breastfeeding Process is Irritating Your Nipples
If your newborn is latched on well and you are sure that he is getting enough milk, but you are experiencing a lot of pain while breastfeeding, you might be experiencing nipple irritation. Nipple irritation can occur when your baby is not latched on well or you are using the wrong position. It can also happen if you are not cleaning your nipples well or if you have cracked nipples.
What You Can Do to Solve It: If you feel as though the breastfeeding process is irritating your nipples, you should take a break from breastfeeding or try different techniques.
You’re Experiencing Shallow Breathing, or Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)
If your baby is breathing rapidly and shallowly, this can be an indication of RDS. RDS usually occurs in babies who have been born prematurely. It can also happen to full-term babies who are having trouble breastfeeding. RDS is basically a failure to adapt to the environment outside the womb; your baby might not have learned to breathe properly yet, which can be fatal.
What You Can Do to Solve It: If you think your baby is suffering from RDS, you need to get help immediately. Here’s what you can do:
- Use a breast pump to remove milk from your breasts. This will relieve pressure and make it easier for your baby to get the milk out of your breasts.
- Use a nipple shield for breastfeeding. A nipple shield is basically a nipple cover that makes it easier for your baby to latch on.
- Give your baby suctioning and massage. You can use a syringe to suction out any milk that is stuck in your baby’s mouth and throat.
You Think Your Baby Might Be Suffering From a Dairy Allergy
If your baby is breastfeeding, there is a possibility that he might be suffering from a dairy allergy. The signs and symptoms of a dairy allergy include diarrhea, vomiting, and rash. If you notice any of these symptoms in your baby, you could be dealing with a dairy allergy.
What You Can Do to Solve It: If you suspect that your baby might be suffering from a dairy allergy, you need to switch his diet. You can start by eliminating dairy from your diet and then slowly introduce it again to see if your baby has any reactions.