Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues and education is crucial in tackling it. The ravages of climate change are being felt around the world, from heat stroke to fires, cyclones to rising sea levels. The worldnewshunt World Meteorological Organization, which released State of the Climate in Latin America & the Caribbean 2020, states that climate change will affect more than two hundred seventy million people in the region.
Yet despite widespread concerns, educators are not well-supported in their efforts to address climate change in education. According to a survey of U.S. teachers, only 42% of them teach about climate change in their classrooms. Furthermore, a study conducted by the National Center for amazinginfo Science Education found that only one-third of science teachers are actively addressing climate change in their classrooms buxic. This means that they are not preparing students for the effects of climate change. And while many educators are well-intentioned, they are struggling to rally public support to enact any significant climate mitigation efforts.
To address climate change, educators must apply systems thinking. The idea is to consider nature and thewebgross culture as a system. This approach is called the eco-social perspective. This approach can be applied to all learning practices. If educators embrace this perspective, it will help students learn about how their actions affect the environment and the planet.
The impacts of climate change are already affecting the communities around school campuses. They affect air quality, food production, and housing. These impacts have a negative impact on learning. Educators must adapt to these changes to ensure that future generations will be able to learn in a safe and supportive environment.
The authors of the study are professors of magazineweb360 psychology and environmental science. They highlight that climate change is a “hyper-wicked problem,” which means that it cannot be solved with analytical, linear thinking. This is because climate change affects more than fotolognews one part of the planet, resulting in more global environmental problems. In addition, the authors of the study emphasize the need for global thinking to address global environmental issues.