Students can request legal assistance from South Carolina Legal Services in Columbia, SC. Applicants must be enrolled at the University of South Carolina and must present their Carolina Card upon request. The office offers educational programming and consultations for fee-paying students. These services are provided free of charge to eligible low-income individuals, but clients are asked to pay court costs if they are able. For more information, visit
South Carolina Fathers and Families provides legal help for men in family court cases. This nonprofit organization assists people who cannot afford a private attorney. Volunteer Attorneys for the Arts also provides free legal assistance for members of the arts in Charleston. There are some eligibility requirements, so applicants should check out the website to determine if they are eligible. This nonprofit organization also provides legal aid for families facing eviction. However, there are no guarantees for obtaining free legal assistance in these cases.
If you are looking for free legal services in Charleston, SC, you may want to consider applying for one of the state’s programs. Many of these programs have strict income guidelines, so you should check to see if you qualify. In most cases, SC legal services programs are only for civil legal issues. If you have a criminal case, however, you may need to work through a public defender’s office to find a lawyer who will help you with your case.