Fiberglass nails can make your manicure last for weeks. They are the perfect DIY solution for anyone who wants their nails to stay well past their natural expiration date. All you need is some fiberglass and some polish remover, plus about an hour of free time every few days as your nails set. Here’s how to do it:
Cut a piece of fiberglass.
Fiberglass is a very fine powder, so you’ll need to cut it with scissors, a nail file, or even your hands. A nail file will make the fiberglass thinner and smoother for small cracks and crevices. You can also use the file to make the fiberglass thicker for bigger cracks. equalaffection
Scrub the nail.
If you want to use fiberglass nails, you’ll probably need a new set of tools. Your regular manicure supplies will not do the trick. To begin with, you’ll need a nail brush that’s very fine. And you need to use a soft brush. The next step is to scrub the nail with soap and water in order to remove any dirt or dead skin from its surface. Finally, before filing it down with a nail file, you can use an emery board.
Apply the fiberglass to your nail.
Before applying the fiberglass, you should ensure enough to cover the entire nail. It can be challenging to see if your application is too thin, so it’s best to err on the side of excess and add more later if necessary. Once you are confident that you have enough material, apply it in a thin layer over all of your nails. Next, apply these nails using a toothbrush or similar tool to spread an even layer across each nail. celebshaunt
File the fiberglass smooth.
The next step is to file the fiberglass smoothly. Use a fine grit, and be sure not to apply too much or too little pressure. If you use too much pressure, you’ll break through the fiberglass and have to start over again with a new piece of glass. If you use too little pressure, it will take forever for the nail to adhere appropriately because it won’t have enough surface area against which to stick. This also means air bubbles are more likely to be trapped under your finished product.
Buff the nail.
This is the best way to get your nail into shape if you have a buffing wheel. Clean up a blunt end or smooth rough edges. A nail brush can also help remove dirt under your nails before applying fiberglass resin.
Why apply fiberglass nails?
Fiberglass is magic for your nails. It strengthens them without changing their appearance, which is extremely easy. You can apply the fiberglass to any type of nail, and you don’t need special tools to do it.
You now know how to use fiberglass nails. We have given some great tips to learn about nail art’s ins and outs. These nails are available at Alibaba. In addition, they have a list of these nails perfect for beginners, starting with their first set of acrylics or gel polish.