One of the worst things about being at work is feeling like you’re in an office. You know—boring, boring, boring! To liven up your space, we’ve rounded up four easy ways to spruce up your office with everything from inspiring quotes and air fresheners to personalized desk accessories.
Purchase an air freshener
Before you buy an air freshener, here are a few things that you need to consider:
- Buy one that isn’t overpowering. There are so many air fresheners to choose from, but you want to make sure that the scent is not too strong. If your office is small, a very strong fragrance could be overpowering for everyone in the room and make people sick. If it’s too weak, it won’t really do much good at all!
- Make sure it isn’t toxic. You don’t want to be inhaling anything harmful while you work or while you’re trying to relax after work—you should always check before buying an air freshener whether or not it has any chemicals that could cause harm over time.
- Make sure it’s affordable and easy-to-use (if necessary). Some air fresheners can cost quite a bit if they’re high quality; others may require batteries or electricity that may not be available in your office environment at all times (especially if your workplace doesn’t have air conditioning). It’s important for any product like this one because sometimes there are no other options available when someone comes into work with bad body odour issues.
Get a small desk planter
You can go the more traditional route and plant a basil plant. Or try something more exotic, like a succulent or cactus. The important thing is to make sure that you choose plants that are small enough to fit on your desk. And if you really want to show off your green thumb, consider planting an herb garden or tropical plant in your little planter! You’ll be able to look out at it every day as you work and feel good about yourself for taking care of nature before next winter comes around.
Put up pictures of loved ones on your desk
Pictures of family and friends can be a great way to make your office feel more like home. You might also want to consider putting up pictures of places that you love or even animals. If you don’t have any photos that inspire your mood, try taking a walk around the neighbourhood and snapping some shots with your smartphone so you can send them straight to the printer!
Buy a small fish tank
You might not know it, but fish tanks can actually help you feel more relaxed and focused. Studies show that watching fish swim around in a tank can reduce stress and anxiety, making them great for those who suffer from PTSD. Plus, who doesn’t want to look at some cute little fishies while working? And don’t worry about your office becoming a zoo—they’re perfectly safe for work because they won’t escape or attack anyone!
If this sounds like something you’d be interested in trying out for yourself, there are lots of options available: glass aquariums to put on top of your desk; large tanks with live coral reefs; even miniature desktop aquariums that fit into one corner of your monitor! These tanks come in all shapes and sizes; the only limit is your imagination!
So, now that you know all of the ways to spruce up your office, it’s time to get started! We hope this article has inspired you in some way and shown you how easy it can be to make your workspace more fun and inviting. Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to decorate; just do what works for you.