When you’re looking for a healthy and delicious side dish for your next outdoor barbecue, you’ll want to try roasting green chiles on the grill. This spicy pepper will add a kick to your southwestern dishes. While it takes a few minutes to fully char on the bottom, it’s important not to let them catch on fire. It’s possible to roast multiple chiles at once and freeze them for later use.
If you’ve never tried roasted green chiles before, it’s easy to see why they’re so popular. After roasting, they exude moisture and leave tiny mounds on your plate. Chiles like these can last all winter long and are available in stores in double digit pounds. So, buy a huge batch and enjoy your delicious meal for months to come. And if you’re cooking for a crowd, don’t hesitate to experiment with different flavors. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the end result.
Before roasting, you’ll want to cut the chiles open and remove the seeds. Generally, you’ll want to remove the stem and some of the pith, too. This will make the process of peeling chiles much simpler and quicker. You can either use the chile flesh right away or freeze it for later. Just remember to wear gloves while doing this, and don’t forget your grill gloves!