The amount of money required for cartilage rhinoplasty depends on many factors. The most important considerations include the surgeon’s experience and the type of cartilage he or she uses. The type of cartilage used will depend on the results the patient wants and their personal preference. If you want to avoid the high costs of cartilage grafting, you can choose a surgeon who uses natural cartilage from your ear.
Surgical costs for rhinoplasty can vary considerably. The procedure itself may be covered by health insurance if the patient is suffering from functional problems, such as obstructed breathing. A professional medical care finance company can help patients finance their treatment by offering flexible payment plans and convenient installment options. The procedure itself is a major investment, so it is imperative to carefully choose a surgeon. However, if you have special medical conditions, you should consult with a surgeon to discuss your options.
In addition to undergoing the procedure in a cosmetic surgery center, you can choose a surgeon who uses autologous rib cartilage for the procedure. The procedure requires a two to three-centimeter incision underneath the breast line. The scar that is left will be nearly invisible after a few months. The reason for using rib cartilage is the abundance of this material and the ability to use it for the procedure.