CBD, short for Cannabidiol, is another extract derived from the cannabis plant. Initially, the cannabis plant or hemp is known to most people as Classified as a drug that can alleviate some illnesses. But since the first extract previously used was THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), it was a euphoria-inducing extract. When used for a long time, it affects the nervous system. The use of this substance must be under the supervision of a physician carefully.
But later on, when more studies, the discovery of CBD has become a sensation in the medical community worldwide. Since marijuana contains up to 12% THC, but only less than 0.30% of CBD, the World Health Organization has classified THC as a Class 1 drug, that is, despite its medical benefits. But there is a potential for misuse, while CBD is not classified as addictive because it does not affect the nervous system that causes euphoria like THC.
CBD and its use in the treatment of diseases
The world’s first discovery of CBD was made by Israeli Researcher Dr. Rafael Meculum, who discovered that CBD could be used to treat type 2 diabetes and reduce inflammation in the body. Reduce the blockage of blood vessels that nourish the heart. It also helps treat cardiovascular disease. In addition, CBD is not only extracted from the cannabis plant but also extracted from the hemp plant. After more studies into the disorders that can be treated with CBD shop, dub has been found to have several beneficial effects on health. Such as relieving chronic pain and reducing nausea after cancer chemotherapy.
- Relieve epilepsy symptoms
- Relieve symptoms of ALS or muscle weakness.
- Alleviates Parkinson’s (tremor) symptoms, and reduces acne and dry skin.
- relieve depression
- Reduce anorexia and weight loss in HIV-infected people
- Relieve diabetes symptoms
- Alleviates schizophrenia symptoms,
- Relieves redness from other drugs,
- Clears and prevents heart disease.
However, the medical community still needs to do more research on using this cannabis plant to treat various conditions.
Beauty circles with CBD extract
It’s not just the medical field that pays attention. Beauty circles have also begun to include the benefits of CBD extract as part of their products. Especially when there are studies that show the effect of using this extract to treat inflammation in the skin. In addition, there is a trend among many Hollywood actors, such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Kim Kadatian, Whoopi Goldberg, and Jennifer Aniston. They use CBD for beauty purposes such as acne treatments. Moisturized skin Or carry it with you to apply to relieve aches and pains during traveling. Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, says CBD oil is similar to avocado oil. Olive oil or almond oil can nourish the skin because natural fatty acids are suitable. It helps reduce dryness. It can also be used to treat severe dry dermatitis. There are also some reports that, in addition to CBD nourishing the skin, it also helps fight acne. anti-inflammatory and reduce wrinkles as well. It is available in Hanfpost CBD shop.
Cannabis in food and legal cultivation
In Thailand, after a long wait in the food and beverage sector for health purposes, those who want to use cannabis without illegal drugs have medical and research benefits. Including the use of non-narcotic parts for various purposes, such as food, drugs, cosmetics, and herbal products by planting, extracting, and producing, all require a license from the FDA under the Narcotic Drugs Act (No. 7) Year 2019, identifying those who have the qualifications to apply for a permit are government agencies, higher education institutions Farmers grouped as community enterprises agricultural cooperative Or medical professionals Thai traditional medicine, folk healers, etc., and in the planting must have a strict supervision system. for quality cannabis It is safe for users and prevents it from being dropped off and misused. CBD food is available in Hanfpost CBD shop.